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Data & Demographics

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance tracks data to accurately report tech-based economic growth, celebrate accomplishments, and keep pushing forward. 

Tracking Growth Year Over Year

As anyone who has successfully achieved a goal will tell you, it’s important to track your progress. The same is true when building an innovation ecosystem. RBIA tracks data and demographics to accurately report the growth of our tech-based economy, celebrate our accomplishments, and iterate on our opportunities for growth. 

Man laughing at networking event

Annual Reports and Summaries

Get an in-depth picture of how the Roanoke Blacksburg innovation ecosystem has grown and developed year-over-year. Our comprehensive annual reports aggregate all the growth the tech-based economy achieved each year in one easy-to-use document. Filled with metrics, data, and activity reports, and more, the full report paints a complete picture of ecosystem activity in the Roanoke and New River Valleys and the Greater Lynchburg area while our summaries provide a snapshot of important metrics.

Get in Touch

Have a question about the Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Ecosystem? We would love to hear from you!