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Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance is on a mission to expand the local tech economy in the Roanoke Blacksburg region.

Driving Tech-Based Economic Advancement

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance is on a mission to expand the local tech economy in the Roanoke Blacksburg region. RBIA unites a portfolio of organizations–RAMP, RBTC, and Commonwealth Angels—with vision, strategy, and development resources to drive tech-based economic development in the region.

Formerly known as Verge, RBIA has worked to foster the Roanoke Blacksburg innovation ecosystem since 2013. RBIA serves as the connector that brings together regional leaders across sectors and institutions to intentionally develop a cutting-edge Innovation Corridor to serve as the heart of the regional innovation ecosystem.

Men having a conversation


Jobs created thanks to RAMP companies


Private capital raised


Companies created and counting


Invested in labs & programs


Patents filed since 2014


Federal Grants to Regional Companies (SBIR/STTR)

Igniting Innovation in the Region

The Roanoke Blacksburg region has a long history of innovation and is home to a strong network of thriving technology companies. It’s also the site of Virginia’s burgeoning biotechnology hub nurtured by an award-winning hospital system, research center, medical school, and elite higher education institutions. To date, we’ve produced 850 jobs and counting that are changing the game in technology and life sciences worldwide. 

Advancing Biotech

Thanks to a grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, RBIA has partnered with the City of Roanoke to build new labs and workspaces for biotech companies and to support our innovation studio and programming.

Construction and programing are on track with a target opening date for labs in fall of 2025. To further the biotechnology talent pipeline, grant funding was also allocated to award 46 scholarships to biotech students at Virginia Western Community College.

Supporting Startups

RBIA received grant funds from GO Virginia and matching funds from local partners to expand the Roanoke Accelerator and Mentoring Program (RAMP) programming to better support entrepreneurs at all stages of the start-up lifecycle.

Startup founders now have access to On-RAMP and Exit Ramp, bookends to the flagship RAMP-in-Residence accelerator program. These two additional programs support early-stage, pre-accelerated startups & established, post-accelerated alumni companies, respectively.

Socializing at an RBIA event

Interconnected Interaction

An innovation ecosystem is an extraordinary system made of visionary parts. More than just a network, an innovation ecosystem is what results from the interaction of interconnected individuals, organizations, resources, and environment. In short, it’s an explosion of innovative growth where each player contributes to the process.

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships

In an innovation ecosystem, everyone has a part to play from government and nonprofit leaders, city planners, universities, private businesses, and entrepreneurs. The collective action of these partnerships creates an environment where individual wins contribute to the larger big idea. In short, a supportive culture evolves where ideas are shared and commercialization is accelerated. 

Expanding Innovation

There’s a reason the Roanoke region is living on the leading edge of medical breakthroughs and emerging technology that will define our future and shape our lives. Our Innovation Corridor features a mix of established research companies, startups, incubators, and accelerators, all inside a walkable, livable downtown community in the heart of the Blue Ridge. Explore our interconnected innovation ecosystem and discover how RBIA is advancing the Roanoke region’s tech-based economy.

Partners in Building the Ecosystem

The RBIA collaborates with government, business, academia, and individuals to advance the region and grow a thriving economy. The alliance serves the Roanoke region and New River Valley to advocate for state and federal projects as well as funding. Together, we’ve established the foundations of statewide biotech hub and we’ve got even bigger dreams for the future. Ready to join the work of building the region’s innovation economy? 

Group conversation at an RBIA conference