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Meet the Team

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance

Roanoke Blacksburg Innovation Alliance is a catalyst for growing the GO Virginia Region 2 innovation economy, technology and life sciences sectors, and professional communities.

Expanding the Local Tech Economy

RBIA drives tech-based economic development in the Roanoke and Blacksburg region under the guidance of the staff, executive team, and board of directors.

Group having a conversation with cocktails

Erin Burcham

Erin Burcham

Lindsey Eversole

Lindsey Eversole Headshot

Jess Edwards


John Hagy

John Hagy Headshot

Jessie Dunn

Jessie Dunn Headshot

Sarah Spotswood

Sarah Spotswood Headshot

Taylor Spellman

Taylor Spellman Headshot

Alla Daniel

All Daniel Headshot

Marty Rosendale

Marty Rosendale Headshot

Rachel Stogner

Rachel Stogner Headshot

Suzanne Gardner

Board of Directors

Executive Officers & Committee Members

Amy AnkrumImpact Consulting LLC, Verge Board Co-Chair

Jeff SmithFortify Leadership Group, Verge Board Co-Chair

Justin Yalung, IV Labs, Verge Board Treasurer

Daniel SummerlinWoods Rogers Vandeventer Black, Verge Board Secretary

Micah AlmondMore Better Technology

Eddie Amos

Kevin BloomfieldBloomfield Partners, LLC 

Harvey BrookinsRoanoke Market at National Bank

Kathy ClaytorCorvesta

Russ EllisCommonwealth Growth Group

Angela JoynerRadford University

Marty Muscatello, Retired, FoxGuard Solutions

Allison Watkins, Hylaine  

Board of Directors

Steve Arner, Carilion Clinic

Henry BassAutomation Creations, Inc.

Joseph Benevento/Conaway HaskinsVirginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC)

Robert Brandon, New River Community College

John CappsCentral Virginia Community College

Vinod Chachra, Retired from VTLS Inc.

Steve CritchfieldMova Technologies, LLC

Rob DayTechLab, Inc.

Art Espey, Lighthouse Labs

W. Heywood FralinRetirement Unlimited

Michael FriedlanderFralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech-Carlion, Virginia Tech 

Aileen Helsel, Carilion Clinic

Samy Lamouille, Acomhal Research

Elizabeth McClanahanVirginia Tech Foundation

John NewbyVirginia Biotechnology Association

David Notari, Delta Dental

John RainoneDabney S. Lancaster Community College

James Ramey, VTC Ventures & Middleland Capital


Rob SanchezNorthWinds Technology Solutions

Robert SandelVirginia Western Community College

Frank Shushok, Roanoke College

Marjorie Tenzer, Retired, IBM

Clark WorthyGentry Locke

Large group at an RBIA networking event

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